(NRSV) Everything will work out ok.". But God sees us, and He cares deeply. He is God and knows all things. In His Power - God knows everything not just because of Who He is and where He is, but also because of what He does. On T.D. C. God Is Confidently Waiting At The End Of Your Path - Everything God does in your life, or allows to happen your life, is simply His way of maturing you into the image of His Son Jesus - Eph. God weeps, God grieves, and God knows and understands what you're going through. We live in a culture flooded with psychotherapy, counseling programs, treatment centers, psychiatric hospitals, antidepressant drugs, recovery support groups, and self-help books and videos and podcasts. God knew Moses by name and He knows you too. It can break us or build us. James 1.1-4 tells us four purposes that God is working out when we go through something difficult. We must never glibly explain someone's pain as a work of God. Psalm 23. The hurting won't go away, no matter what the calendar says. - Matt. Here's how you can respond to suffering by inviting God to turn your pain into praise: Offer your suffering to God. Regardless of the situation that you are in, Jesus knows how you feel. "Let not your heart be troubled," Jesus says. God Knows Where You Are At All Times. T.D. In Psalm 129 we see God withholding his blessing from those who hate his people. Like a wicked taskmaster, it can enslave us. Becoming a generous person begins with biblical thinking: • Remember our heavenly Father's goodness and love, which prompted Him to send His Son to die in our place. In other words, this is not a human word - this is God's word for a troubled heart. If you are in pain today, I pray that you will feel the presence of God with you and know that you are not alone. They didn't have a bad conscience. According to God's PURPOSE — Not according to your PAIN. Something has just gone wrong in your life--some trial, some problem, some loss, some tragedy. [From the sermon, "God Betrayed." Search on the sermon title here.] According to Alamoth. When he finally came to his senses, he cried out to the Lord in heaven in true repentance (Daniel 4:34-37). He doesn't waste the pain in our lives. All this is for the good! Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. T.D. What ever God calls you to do will not contradict His word in any way. He gathers up all your tears and puts them in his bottle ( Psalm 56:8 ). The most cherished realities in our lives are forged in the fires of pain and suffering. 2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Job 42:12 says that after Job had prayed for his friends. A Song. Selah. We know that Jesus never promised us an easy life, but he did promise to always be with us. Jakes preaches about how hard times are not meaningless. 4) Nebuchadnezzar becomes a believer in God. One of the things you soon discover in the Christian life is that your desire exceeds your reach. Philippians 1:12 "Whatever has happened to me has really served to advance . So how can we learn something from our pain rather than waste it? 1 The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. First Corinthians 8. God assures us that whatever we experience, even our difficulties, can be redeemed for our ultimate good. A people without hope. 1. Things will never change. "God is not a man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Habakkuk is much like the Old Testament book of Job. That's just the way it is. and suffering when he has the power to. God Sees! (Luke 23:34) The men who nailed Jesus to the cross, didn't think they were doing anything wrong. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 73 is the honest confession of a faithful Israelite, concerning his own struggle with the problem of pain. This resource includes: The Lord God, Our Heavenly Father, wants to meet you, His child, at your deepest need. Apr 18, 2021. I will say to the Lord, "My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.". You may be down tonight but God knows your name. And He always hears our cries. He's been taking care of most of the hard stuff that life keeps throwing at you and only allowing those challenges that are most important for your growth. Jakes new sermon series, Crushing, T.D. God cursed the creation when man fell. a choice in life means that we have a. choice to do the right thing or the. To be subject to vanity is a terrible thing. Her value jumped up immediately. Jakes - How God Turns Your Pain into Purpose. It will happen! God Knows How We Feel (Sermon) Old Testament Lesson - Micah 5:2-5a The Epistle & Sermon Text - Hebrews 2:10-18 The Gospel - John 7:40-43 Psalm: 148. of leaving undone what God wants us to do. S. Lewis writes: "Pain is God's megaphone to rouse a deaf world.". Spiritual pain when we question God's love because life is so hard. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. "Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.". Third, hard times increase the effectiveness of our witness. To God Hagar was somebody. 2. Hagar declared; God sees Me. EXPOSITION: 1. Not despite our past, but because of it. 2. Turn my past into my purpose and refuse to let my pain be for nothing. In your pain, he too is pained. Time may push the pain deeper into the mind, but one tiny memory can bring it to the surface. (Read Psalm 129:1-8 and pray.) Jeremiah doesn't hold back at all in how he describes what he has endured. ————————-. Hagar was sent away by Sarai but not beyond the all seeing eyes of God. "KNOWING GOD". Jakes teaches that in spite of your suffering, you will still end up where you're meant to be with the guidance of Christ. As we seek to understand what's happening in these unprecedented days, the Bible assures us that we can rest firmly in the steadfast love and providence of God. She was cast aside by Sarai and Abram as a nobody. Third, hard times increase the effectiveness of our witness. at all and the fact that you and I have. Intro. And I want to read for you verses 7 through 10 which will provide the text for our study in the Word of God. 2 Corinthians 1:9 "This happened so we might learn to trust not in ourselves, but in God.". God's word is not a momentary escape from pain, but a gift that allows you to live with eyes open and with courage. God's desire is that we decrease that He might increase! The Holy Spirit is bearing witness to your spirit that you belong to God and He will . Our prayer is that this message would encourage you to praise the Lord in the midst of your pain, that you may know His faithfulness in a greater way. God Knows! Then God spoke, and God called him by name! 1. The eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry. We see the evidence in our world, and know the story in our own lives. 10:29-31. All of these things show how Jesus can relate to your pain. 3. Job was in sackcloth and ashes, and he conversed with God. Jakes teaches that in spite of your suffering, you will still end up where you're meant to be with the guidance of Christ. When uncertain and unpredictable events occur, we are weighed down with worry for where we'll end up next. On T.D. Christians testify that suffering is a small price to pay to get to know Jesus better. In this message, Pastor David Lindell gives a powerful sermon titled, "Pain (Hearing God's Voice)." Join us as we read James 1:2-4 and deepen our understanding of how God speaks to us through pain. We see the evidence in our world, and know the story in our own lives. He will cover you with his pinions, and . Our God is not disconnected from His creation. (Psalm 34:15) God knows in great detail the devastation caused by tragedy. ————————-. You have recorded each one in your book . There is one who is able to bring good even out of something so wicked. To test your faith (James 1.3) When God sends divinely appointed trials your way, one of the reasons he does so is to test your faith. Christians testify that suffering is a small price to pay to get to know Jesus better. It is because of the nature of this text that addresses the universality of human trouble. In this sermon, Alistair Begg reminds us that our heavenly Father knows what's best for us and is deeply concerned with our personal and practical needs. PO Box 310 Ontario OH 44862. Jesus Himself has weighed every burden that you carried this week. Psa. I Believe the Bible is The Word of God, Because of Fulfilled Prophecy Ezekiel 26:3-6; I Believe the Bible is The Word of God, Because It Is a Miraculous Book 2 Timothy 3:12-17; God's Little Flock Luke 12:27-34; Five Keys to Successful Living Philippians 3:10-14; When God Says No to Our Prayers 2 Corinthians 12:7-10; With Wings As Eagles . Jesus comes why does God allow evil pain. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. Experiences help to accomplish god's purpose. Andy Davis preaches an expository sermon on Matthew 25:14-30. EXPOSITION: 1. Intro. Dear Children of God: You're hurting. He has not forgotten you. Psalm 91:1-16 ESV / 119 helpful votesNot Helpful. Pain is inevitable. There was once a man who made an appointment to see his doctor. Lord, help me find the courage and the desire to share what You have done in my life. Your suffering is not a sign that God has left you. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, 3 he refreshes my soul. The main subject of the sermon is the Parable of the Talents and what it teaches us about honoring the Lord with diligent work. T.D. You want to be more godly than you are. If you want to send Harold Myers a birthday card for his 100th. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.James 1:2-4 Whether you are dealing . As my daughter Christy likes to say, "God never wastes our pain when it's offered to Him." God's righteous anger and judgment were centered on Jesus as a sacrifice for all. Sermon - "Knowing God". God Remembers Your Desires O Lord, all my longing is before you; my sighing is not hidden from you (Ps 38:9). So, we must purify our hearts before Him! In this message we will look at two of the purposes for the pain in our lives and how God can bring good out of bad situations. How God Can Heal Your Emotional Pain. The most cherished realities in our lives are forged in the fires of pain and suffering. Pain saps our energy and often leads to bitterness and despair. Feeling forgotten, forsaken, sorrowful, and subdued, David cried out for God's consideration and illumination. As Jesus said, "In the world, you will have trouble.". Their refusal was the result of their allegiance to God. What ever God calls you to do will not bring you confusion but will bring peace. 3. Summary: In times of hurt, injustice and loneliness, God sees you. A priest who understands your pain (Hebrews 4:14-16). God has a plan for great purpose and a beautiful future for all who believe in Him. Confidence in God Under Affliction: Essex Remembrancer: Job 23:10: . Jakes - Watch Sermon: How God Turns Your Pain into Purpose. It just goes with life, whether you're rich or poor, you have trouble. This sermon was recorded before COVID-19. It's no wonder that people have found themselves weeping, crying, and calling out to God . You shed your tears in secret, but God knows the pain that you carry and He remembers your tears. It is as a result of that curse that the creation is in bondage and subject to vanity, but our sin is the cause. Let me give you . You're feeling pain. Rather than pleading with God to take your suffering away, view it as a gift . First Corinthians 8. There was once a man who made an appointment to see his doctor. He understands because He is all knowing. He sees the sparrow that falls to the earth. 2. It is not wise, or even biblical, to tell someone in pain that God "won't give them more than they can bear." After all, that passage (1 Corinthians 10:13) is clearly about avoiding temptation, not overcoming pain. Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. Scientists think they have made a breakthrough in detecting liars: Brain . God Knows Your Pain - (Rapzilla Devotional) God, our benevolent and gracious God, knows what pain is. "Believe in God, believe in me.". That wonderful fact is followed by an even more wonderful statement, "And of His fullness have all we received, and grace upon grace." Worship Notes on YouVersion. And the Scriptures affirm this profound truth for God's people. When the day arrived for his appointment he was finally ushered into a room where he waited until the doctor came in. Psalm 56 begins with David's cry for mercy because his enemies are attacking him. He will not forget you! Chapter Parallel Compare. God Remembers! 2. You're never going to know that God is all you need until He's all you have. A friend - call her Jennifer - comes to see her and says, "Mary, I know this has been a hard time for you - but cheer up! Psalm 13:1-6 (ID: 3341) Everyone experiences disappointment or sadness to some degree. When the day arrived for his appointment he was finally ushered into a room where he waited until the doctor came in. . Job asks God "why," and Habakkuk asks God "why." But Job explores the "why" behind his personal story, whereas Habakkuk explores the "why" behind the story of injustice.
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