The current Nigerian political Federalism is an efficient process. destabilizing factor in the practice of federalism in Nigeria. Micronesia, Nigeria, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, United States, Venezuela. federal system in February 1991, but the system has not become operational because the adoption of Islam as a state religion in the federal constitution is unacceptable to the Christian southern half of the country. 2. The study reveals that, unequal power relation affects the country democratic system. legislative councilors in 1947. Given that federalism is a multifaceted subject due to its institutional, constitutional, political, sociological and . However, the adoption of federalism in Nigeria was a compromise aimed to fairly distribute authority between the states and the national government. religious, ethnic and regional elites in the quest to capture state power renders the reasons for the adoption of federalism useless. whearedefined a federal system as: Some of the major problems of intergovernmental relations in Nigeria are as follows: 1. There are numerous reasons adduced for adoption of Federal System of Government. The reason behind is to create supreme authority centrally while the . The multifaceted differences that exist . Nigeria's federal experience began in 1954 under the tutelage of the British colonial authorities. Corruption and unqualified leaders cause ethnic conflict in Nigeria. You Contents of diversities helps in a nations decision to adopt the aggregative or disaggregative type of federalism. Nigeria, may allow for the adoption of a federal and decentralized system of government. However, the adoption of federalism in Nigeria was a compromise aimed to fairly distribute authority between the states and the national government. Economic factor: The need to pool . and in a way make the leaders see reasons or how effective the . This chapter introduces the reader to three different types of political structures--unitary, confederal, and federal--with an emphasis on federalism.It explains why the Framers of the U.S. Constitution adopted a federal system, reviews other federal countries in the world, and surveys arguments for and against federalism. by joint identity and integration crisis. The Northern . The founding fathers of the country opted for federalism because of their belief that federal states have the intrinsic structural and institutional capacity to accommodate diversity. Although, in recent times, there have been growing disagreements and agitations for the Sovereign National Conference, where diverse people come It is probably for this reason that K.C. The study adopted qualitative research design using documentary content analysis. Evidence abound that Nigeria‟s form of federal system has been grappling with serious working and institutional challenges. Federalism is the sharing of power between a national government and the states that reside within its borders, instead of one or the other having all the authority. Nigeria inclusive. The works addresses this phenomenon by . This is because federalism has been exercised and 2 studied as a field of study in many developed and developing countries. Although, in recent times, there have been g. Gross mismanagement of national resources and misrule by unqualified leaders, have impoverished and denied opportunities to majority of Nigerians since independence which has led to agitations by citizens. legislative councilors in 1947. Diversities in cultures: The recognition of the diversities in cultures, religious beliefs and languages, e.g. .The practice of federalism in Nigeria is one of the legacies the British colonial masters bequeathed to Nigeria. (c) Another related problem in the study of federalism is the distinction between the definition and accompanying characteristics. germane to note that Nigeria‟s federalism, though largely influenced by imperial motives, is justified by the following . Beyond the ethnic and cultural diversities that necessitated Nigeria to adopt federalism as a political organization, Nigeria's choice can also be explained by her population size, land mass, imposition by Britain-Nigeria colonial master and the quest for even development. This is what has been administratively put in place as a political mechanism for governance within the Nigerian polity. Adopt different philosophy entirely that will guarantee group rights and the acceptance of the heterogeneity of the nation. Although, in recent times, there have been growing disagreements and agitations for the Sovereign National Conference, where . This paper, therefore, inquired into the causes of dissatisfaction and violent agitation arising from fiscal federa. Federalism, according to K.C Wheare, is the method of dividing powers so . The study adopted qualitative research design using documentary content analysis. 1. Beyond the ethnic and cultural diversities that necessitated Nigeria to adopt federalism as a political organization, Nigeria's choice can also be explained by her population size, land mass, imposition by Britain-Nigeria colonial master and the quest for even development. On the local level, we can observe this problem as well, but . We begin by describing federalism in general terms. Common Historical Background: For example, Britain imposed a federal system on Nigeria by dividing the territory into regions and ruled them separately. However, the adoption of federalism i n Nigeria was a compromise aimed to fairly distribute authority between the states and the national government. However, the adoption of federalism in Nigeria was a compromise aimed to fairly distribute authority between the states and the national government. To protect and preserve the the local independence of every ethnic group in the country. It is usually designed to cope with difficult task of statecraft. T he skills tested were descriptive and explanatory. The crises are very severing such that they culminate in a strong force being mounted on the federation with tendency to disintegrate the country. The paper interrogated contending issues ravaging Nigeria‟s federal polity with a clarion call for timely adoption of neo-federalism paradigm. Causes for Federalism. 3. The problem of federalism and the associated crises of national integration in Nigeria raise serious alarm. However, there is a need to ensure that the issues and challenges confronting Nigeria's federal system be resolved. The period marked the beginning of the recognition of sub national governments during which fmancial responsibilities were devolved to the three regions -North, East and West. Nigeria is a Federal Republic made up of thirty‐six states. Problems of Nigerian Federalism 1) Revenue Allocation: This has been a problem in Nigeria. It further explores mainstream approaches to the study of federalism with the aim to highlight their relevance to federal studies. Under this type, there exist a balkanization of formerly unitary state near disintegration and its diversities which progress to a state. destabilizing factor in the practice of federalism in Nigeria. The history of Nigerian federalism dates back to the pre‐independence Constitution of 1954 called the Lyttleton Constitution . may adopt Federalism. Furthermore, Onah (2006) highlighted the reasons for the adoption of federalism to secession; (1) States can join together in a federation to jointly become powerful enough to deter or award off external aggression . Federalism Overview In the previous chapter, we noted that vertical division of power among different levels of government is one of the major forms of power-sharing in modern democracies. Federalism in Nigeria can be traced to Sir Frederick Lord Lugard , when the Northern and Southern protectorates were amalgamated in 1914. They include the following: Desire for Union: A State may adopt Federal system of government if the Federating units solicit for union. Project Aim: Having discussed what federalism is, the purpose of this project was to design a system which enables a political body to determine whether federalism would be a good option to adopt for a certain country. (i) Violent secession attempts had been matched with force and Wars broke out. Today I want to present a case study: the Movement for the Actualisation of a Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB), founded in 1999 among the Igbo people of southeast Nigeria. federalism, cooperative federalism, organic federalism, dual federalism, confederation, decentralization, which are all terms used to designate shades and levels of federalism. And again, we are back to the problem of corruption in Nigerian. Effects of Federalism That year, the Northern Region, fearing a southern domination, demanded fifty percent representation in the central legislature, and insisted that if this was not granted, the Region would secede . In this chapter, we focus on this form of power-sharing. The contestations and demand for the adoption of 'true federalism' is inform by the predatory nature and character of the Nigeria state, where only a microscopic few control and appropriate During the period, the regions Inter-ethnic rivalry: Nigeria, we all know is made up of diverse group of people with different ethnic groups, and the rivalry among hausa/Fulani, Yoruba and igbo has become a serious issue overtime. The reason behind is to create supreme authority centrally while the . Citizens are expected to obey . This essay showcases Federalism in India in a twofold modus: The history of Federalism in India and the Federal Scheme under the present-day Constitution of India. In developing countries like India, Iraq and Nigeria, federalism has either failed to close developmental gaps and ethno-communal tensions among various states or, more worryingly, in some cases . Federalism is also a political concept in which a group of member is bound together by covenant with a governing representative head. The domestication of child-related treaties is not a straightforward process in Nigeria. Federalism also has been used to address conflicts that involve ethnic groups. Nigeria therefore falls into the latter because of the wide diversities. Many have attributed this development largely due to the successive . ON THE CONCEPT FEDERALISM. Financial frauds. 6. 3. Unfolding Federalism. This was why Onifade and . The example of Nigeria is instructive: Till 1914, Northern and Southern Nigeria were two separate British colonies. Though Nigerian federalism has survived many turbulent periods, it is still confronted with the problem of how to effectively integrate the diverse groups that make-up the country. Reason for the Adoption of Federalism in Nigeria. Faced with these problems, Nigeria adopted federalism as a means of achieving its much needed goal of national integration. In essence the federalism so adopted is expected to reduce the immensely aggressive inter ethnic competition and tension, allay the usually alleged fear of domination, Problems of federalism in Nigeria. Thus, Nigeria's federalism is not only complex but also hard to understand. The problems of nation-building and national development in Nigeria would start to receive proper attention only under a truly federal system of government and Consequently, the paper posits that the prospects of genuine nationhood and development in Nigeria lies in a swift adoption of true federalism. Federalism in Nigeria If the regions and various communities do not trust each other , even a federal arrangement can fail to pr oduce unity. Russian government has limited federalism since 2000. Federalism: An Overview . grasp the full ramifications of fiscal federalism in Nigeria (p. 192). In Nigeria, state creation was originally conceived as a solution to the problems of ethnic minority groups. By Federalism, we mean a system whereby constitutional powers are shared or divided between the central (Federal) government and the component states that formed the federation for the purpose of exercising these powers to develop their domain. 5. Abstract. In Nigeria, We see different set of people from different geo-political regions agitating for power which . To start with, it is worthy to note that the adoption of federalism, characterized by the decentralization and evolution of state power to ethno-regional entities was a policy to douse ethnic tension in the Nigeria polity. This seemed to be the default option given its heterogeneous nature. Federalism, especially in large or diverse countries, can also improve service delivery and democratic resilience, ensure decisions are made at This informs some of the reasons for the demand of 'true federalism' in Nigeria. 1 Secessionism in Nigeria Johannes Harnischfeger, University of Frankfurt I. Problems of Secession are enormous, secession attempts most times are violent. INTERNAL COLONIALISM IN NIGERIA Some of the reasons for the adoption of federalism in Nigeria are the diversity of the nation and the desire for political, cultural and social identity of a people of over 250 ethnic groups, several languages, diversities and a lot of political traditions; the desire for some form of Government at different periods had set up commissions to advise on the acceptable revenue sharing formula, especially as it affects the three (3) tiers of government. At the Ibadan Constitutional Conference of 1950 Nigerian leaders decided to form a The situation attracts growing interest and concern. Although, in recent times, there have been growing disagreements and agitations for the Sovereign National Conference, where diverse people come suggest the adoption of the federalist political structure, so as to ensure efficient administration of both the vast territories of Nigeria and its ethno-tribal heterogeneous population. religious, ethnic and regional elites in the quest to capture state power renders the reasons for the adoption of federalism useless. Often, the accompanying For the purpose of developing all part of the country. Secession is a recurrent threat in Nigeria's political lexicon dating back to 1951 (this was before the adoption of a federal political framework). 4) Corruption and Inept Leadership. All three variables show centralization to be over-determined, in that, all documented variables point to the . In the Nigerian situation, the reverse is the case, the states have become slaves to the Federal Government, running to them . The period marked the beginning of the recognition of sub national governments during which fmancial responsibilities were devolved to the three regions -North, East and West. It is not surprising that Nigeria in its 55 years of political sojourn has tried different forms of federalism. The method of revenue allocation tends to constitute the major factor responsible for the crisis of national integration in Nigerian federalism. It employed qualitative research method with classical model of Since the adoption of federalism in 1954, the aims of the founding fathers are still far from being achieved. Federalism in Nigeria refers to the devolution of self-governance by the West African nation of Nigeria to its federated states, who share sovereignty with the Federal Government . 7. Federalism in Nigeria could help in talking about the problem of national integration. It sourced its data from secondary . The major reason for the adoption of federal system of government in Nigeria is borne out of the historical experience that brought all the ethical groups together under one Nigeria. It has severally been emphasized by both the Northern and Western politicians that God did not create Nigeria but the British. Because the U.S. provides some of the power to the states, it creates efficiencies in the governing system because delegation is possible. 2) The Problem of Minorities: In Nigeria, there are majority groups and minority groups. The term "federal" is derived from the Latin foedus, which means, "covenant". The adoption of a federation structure in any political system presupposes the existence of diverse and competing ethnic and linguistic variables. The concept of fIscal federalism was introduced in Nigeria in 1946 following the adoption of the Richards Constitution. The concept of fIscal federalism was introduced in Nigeria in 1946 following the adoption of the Richards Constitution. Clear inequality exists in the way . 1. This chapter provides a brief background on the practice of federalism in Nigeria. marginalization or deprivation in Nigeria's political landscape. In the early colonial days, Nigeria was administered as a Unitary State until 1946 when Richard constitution introduced regionalism, although the regional legislatures that were set up as a consequences of regionalism had severely limited legislative power since then, Nigeria has been administered as a FEDERAL STATE, except for a brief period in 1960 . The full explanation of Nigeria's federalism. federalism adopt federal constitution. basic reasons for the adoption of a federal system. (ii) It had worsened the relationship and distrust between the secessionist group and the rest of the country. The foregoing explains the reason for the arguments that in Nigeria, federalism offered the best option to accommodate the ethno-linguistic and religious diversities, which where for the most part, geographically distributed. Keywords: Federalism, . Firstly, the study is theoretically informed by the global experience of federalism as a national approach to conflict management. The imbalance in the federal arrangement had generated fears and suspicions of domination among Nigerian groups and their leaders. A federal system is currently being advocated for Ethiopia and South Africa. This is because it has generated so many problems capable of threatening the corporate existence and continuity of the Nigerian state. During the period, the regions Within the limitations of space, let us take a brief look at each national leader in . Given this background, it could be reasoned that Nigeria's adoption of the federal system was not as a strategy to manage problems of pre independence period but more importantly as an enduring strategy that would help detonate a major source of threat to the future political stability of an independent Nigeria. Federalism is a means of ensuring peace, stability and mutual accommodation in countries that have territorially concentrated differences of identity, ethnicity, religion or language. In Nigeria for instance, the central To many, Nigeria's federalism has remained fragile with all signs of impossibility. (iv) It led to wastage of financial, human, and material resources. Although, in recent times, there have been growing disagreements and agitations for the Sovereign National Conference, where . When some of us met last year in Turku, I gave an outline of secessionism in Nigeria. This process is one of the primary reasons why democratic countries choose this form over the other governing options which are available. INTERNAL COLONIALISM IN NIGERIA Some of the reasons for the adoption of federalism in Nigeria are the diversity of the nation and the desire for political, cultural and social identity of a people of over 250 ethnic groups, several languages, diversities and a lot of political traditions; the desire for some form of Example of countries that adopt federalism include; USA, Brazil, Germany , Switzerland, Australia, Yugoslavia, India, Nigeria, among others. Students had five specific tasks: to describe one difference between a federal system and a unitary system , to explain why both Nigeria and Russia adopted a federal system , to describe two disadvantages of federalism in Nigeria, to . The following research proposes that three variables have reinforced centralization in Nigeria; 1) the nations historical-colonial origins 2) the oil economy 3) the constraints of decentralization and economic reform in federal states. This simply means that federalism in Nigeria provides accommodation, an institutional arrangement which gives the component units equal and coordinate jural status. in the country. It is most commonly referred to as federalism. It sourced its data from secondary . The case for federalism in Nigeria has been to accommodate and manage diversity while taking economic advantage of its sheer size and population to promote development. The demand for the creation of newer states in Nigeria tends to emanate from sub-state groups, often ethnic- or tribal-interest groups, which accuse the current larger state governments of subverting or ignoring the interests and necessities of the more local regions. Publius: The Journal of Federalism 21 (Fall 1991) 1 In view of the threats of structure within which Nigeria operated her federalism. Introduction 1.1 Background Of The Study. In Nigeria, the main reason for the adoption of a federal arrangement was the sociological complexity of the society, its ethnic and geographical diversity. The federal constitution specifies the legislative powers of the central government and governments of component regions or states. It is not surprising that Nigeria in its 55 years of political sojourn has tried different forms of federalism. Thus, Nigeria's federalism is not only complex but also hard to understand. Religious and ethnic loyalties are major threats to national disintegration. In Nigeria, the problem is complemented by financial frauds within both federal government and state government. The objective of the study was to examine the reason for the adoption of federalism in Nigeria and the lopsided nature of Nigeria federal system. This means autonomous states or regions come together . Louis Wirth (Hepburn 1978, 1) defined an ethnic minority group as a group of people who because of their physical or cultural characteristics, "are singled out from the others in the society in which they live for differential and unequal treatment and who therefore regard themselves . According to Ayoade (2009:iii): Nigerians have come to identify the first republic 1960- 66 as the golden age of federalism in Nigeria. FISCAL FEDERALISM IN NIGERIA: THEORY AND DIMENSIONS ABSTRACTThe dynamism and complexity of Nigeria's federalism has attracted academic scrutiny. Unlike treaties with another thematic focus, the majority of constituent states must give their full consent before any child-related instrument may be domesticated at the federal level and subsequently re-enacted in the domestic states. The Geographical Nearness/Contiguity: States that are not separated by natural barriers such as Mountains, Valleys, Oceans, etc. Local government is born out of federalism because federalism has to do with the . Instead, half-hearted practice of federalism has resulted in over-centralisation of fiscal and political power, creation of unviable and federally dependent states and local governments, increased corruption, ethnicity and minority agitations over oil revenue. Federalism, has been practiced in Nigeria since 1953, beginning with the three regions; north, west and east. However, the adoption of federalism in Nigeria was a compromise aimed to fairly distribute authority between the states and the national government. This embodies ideas of promise, obligation, and undertaking; and consequently, the federal idea . This was why Onifade and . According to Ayoade (2009:iii): Nigerians have come to identify the first republic 1960- 66 as the golden age of federalism in Nigeria. Federalism was adopted in Nigeria largely to ameliorate the negative effects of diversity but the system has not been able to resolve the inbuilt contradictions within the Nigerian society as envisaged by the architects of the system who saw federalism as a solution to the country's multiplicities. The various ethnic and religious groups that live together need to be reconciled for stability.
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