The ExternalProject_Add will uncompress the TBB source file we downloaded earlier and compile it using as many CPU cores as available in your system. dll files) not supported by the GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain STATIC - statically linked libraries ( .a or .lib files) I also tried supplying the INCLUDES DESTINATION X/Y/Z which has zero effect on the output structure. For example, compiling the code in the source file program.cpp that includes the header files first_dir/first_include.h and second_dir/second_include.h needs the following command. CMake Makes Working With The Compilers Easier Telling the compiler where your include files are isn't too difficult. jtxa (Josef Angstenberger) April 17, 2022, 11:07pm #2. A library's public header files should be namespaced into a directory (i.e., include <mylib/header.h> -it's the only way to stay sane. Rather than placing all of the source files in one directory, we can organize our project with one or more subdirectories. In our projects we use a "simple" way of yours - add_librarywith both headers and sources. This is set automatically based on the file extension and is used by CMake to determine if certain dependency information should be computed. My project has two utility library in it. Next is type of library STATIC or SHARED which I explained before. The angle bracket form of include searches in the order of: 1) The paths in the /I statements In this case, we will create a subdirectory specifically for our library. Creating a Header-Only CMake Target Creating an interface library in CMake is very straightforward: add_library(my-library-name INTERFACE) By specifying INTERFACE as the second parameter to add_library, we are no longer allowed to provide source files since the library is not meant to generate any build output. We can . Instead of a static library we can build a shared lib as well: add_library(test SHARED test.c) Linking libraries to executables with CMake. We also add the sub-projects in TBB that are required in the file using ExternalProject_Step. The keyword INTERFACE makes our target a header-only library that does not need to be compiled. I build my project with this commands (from the my_proj directory): $ mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. $ cmake --build . Executables and windows dll files go into bin directory, libraries go into lib directory, and public headers go into include directory at the destination. Add header files to the project. First is name of library for us is HelloLibrary. Here are some of the things you need to take care of: what artifacts should the library produce at install step where install artifacts should be placed so, what's I do wrong? 3. The target name is important to remember, as all further options for building and installing are tied to it. One way how to solve this is to create an INTERFACE library with only the PUBLIC headers and target_link_libraries () this to both the shared library and the MODULE library. add_library tells CMake that we want to build a library and to set up the logical target with the name SI. Because the header file is meant to be included by users of the library, that means the libraries this header file depends on should be linked as PUBLIC so that the client can also see them. CMake's add_library - Creating Libraries With CMake Libraries are very useful when a C++ project becomes large enough, we may want to split the code into multiple library and executable CMake targets in order to make our project more modular and understandable. if you omit this parameter, library will be static by default. add_library(SI INTERFACE) If you add only sources, then you won't see headers in IDE-generated project. To add a library in CMake, use the add_library () command and specify which source files should make up the library. # The header only lib files are here add_subdirectory (include) # The executable code is here add_subdirectory (app) In (2) i have: I am looking for the best way to write CMake configurations for the libraries. 1 Answer. 1) Same directory as the file (source or header) that includes the file 2) In the same directory as any currently opened include statements, in reverse order of opening. This method creates library like add_executable creates executable file. However, when installing, we have to do it like that, using two installcommands: install(TARGETS library_name LIBRARY DESTINATION lib) install(FILES ${PUBLIC_HEADERS} cmake_minimum_required ( VERSION 3.14 ) project ( myproject VERSION 0.1.0 DESCRIPTION "A simple project" LANGUAGES CXX) # . --config Release. An object library compiles source files but does not archive or link their object files into a library. cmake --install build --prefix install As per the book, "Since no DESTINATION was specified after FILE_SET, the default destination provided by CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR for HEADERS file sets will be used.", which is said to be include, not lib. install (TARGETS): to install compiled libraries and their headers in the assigned install directory you set when running cmake --install blah blah. I have a CMake project with the following folder structure: my_project build CMakeLists.txt hello_test CMakeLists.txt main.cpp my_libs hello_lib CMakeLists.txt include hello.hpp src hello.cpp The top level "CMakeList.txt" is as: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION . Add library files to the project. We also include our public header file into the install step and tell cmake to put it into include. 3) The paths in the /I statements 4) The paths in the INCLUDE environment. We add the TBB project using the ExternalProject_Add command to the tbb.cmake file like below. The first argument to add_library defines the library type. Here we have simplified syntax of add_library (<name> [STATIC | SHARED] [<source>.]). add_library (<name> OBJECT [<source>.]) Any additional module which will depend on this module will just target_link_libraries () the INTERFACE library. HEADER_FILE_ONLY Is this source file only a header file. include_directories(include ${Opencv3_INLCUDE_DIRS} ) 4. Making a library with CMake is not that different from making an application - instead of add_executable you call add_library. The change I had to make is instead of target_link_libraries ($ {PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE lib) do target_link_libraries ($ {PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC lib) A property on a source file that indicates if the source file is a header file with no associated implementation. function. My CMakeLists.txt file looks like ADD_LIBRARY (ian ian_sources) SOURCE_FILES (ian_sources ian_file1.cxx ian_file1.h ian_file2.cxx ian_file2.h ) Creates an Object Library. target_link_libraries(rovioLib ${Opencv3.0_LIB}) Note: In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, try to add header files and library files to the first item, such as: There are several CMake library types which include: SHARED - dynamically linked libraries ( .so or . When you have a repetitive folder structure like this it is often handy to create a macro that automates this kind of stuff. /my_project --> CMakeLists.txt --> main.cpp --> /utils --> CMakeLists.txt --> common.h --> /base_c --> CMakeLists.txt --> base_c.c --> base_c.h --> /base_cpp --> CMakeLists.txt --> base_cpp.cpp --> base_cpp.hpp This can all be achieved with CMake's add_library (.) CMake will build the library as libtest.a and install it into lib folder of the install directory. To achieve all this, we'll need to: Organize our source tree into a directory per module, with a CMakeLists per module. Visual Studio (right) (there are maybe other IDEs that also CMake model) Qt Creator Open Qt Creator and choose to open a Project Choose CMakeLists.txt at the root directory of portaudio sources Visual Studio Use cmake to generate a visual studio project Open portaudio.sln in Visual Studio OS: Windows 10 10.0.19041 But doing just that would be too easy, wouldn't it. MACRO (ADD_SUBLIB libname) #Compute required sources file (GLOB sublib_sources "$ {libname}/src/*.cc") #Create library ADD_LIBRARY ($ {libname} SHARED $ {sublib_sources}) #add this library's header folder to the . This appears to do the correct thing under NT, adding them to the "Header Files" cmSourceGroup, and then into the correct place in the dsp file. If you're including with a directory utils/ then you should not add that directory to your include path, only the .

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