It operates as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC), a legal entity granted and assessed by the European Commission. Data, Computing and Digital Research Infrastructures. With a membership of at least one European Union member state and two EU member or associated states, it has legal personality and full legal capacity recognized in all Member States. To efficiently join European efforts in that field, European Research Infrastructures play a vital role for the work of the scientific community. European Research Infrastructures - How is European Research Infrastructures abbreviated? European Research Infrastructures, many of them organised as ERICs, are essential resource to the researchers studying the many aspects of the pandemics. Research Infrastructures are facilities that provide resources and services for research communities to conduct research and foster innovation. With a single entry point to excellent facilities in Central and Eastern Europe, it allows structural investigation, analysis and synthesis of materials, using photon, electron . How to Get Started? Research infrastructures are key elements in providing the necessary data and services for European scientists to conduct cutting-edge research in a variety of scientific fields and for European business to develop new products and services. The European Spallation Source operated as a Swedish . 2012) to support science, policy and society, is at the core of the new European research infrastructure - DiSSCo. Four types of infrastructure to facilitate multinational clinical research. . In Europe, one such strategy is the development of research infrastructures - organizations that enable the research community to use specific facilities, resources . CERIC is a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) integrating and providing open access to some of the most advanced analytical facilities in Europe to help science and industry advance in all fields of materials, biomaterials and nanotechnology, with a focus on energy materials and life sciences. Addressing issues such as development of the vaccine and medicines, insights into the social challenges, and the impact on environment, the ERICs support researchers to find solutions to the current crisis. BBMRI-ERIC is a European research infrastructure for biobanking. Strategy 2020-2024. Throughout the successive framework programmes (FPs) of the EU, actions have been gradually developed to support researchers in accessing top-level European research infrastructures located outside their own country and also to better coordinate and integrate these infrastructures Europe-wide . Innovation-friendly legislation. In Chapter 10, Hallonsten shows that most of the European research infrastructures share with so-called mega-projects the property of inevitably exceeding the allocated funding and being never completed in the expected times. E-RIHS - European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science E-RIHS is the European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science that supports research on heritage interpretation, preservation, documentation and management. Who we are. To that end, we offer quality management services, support with ethical, legal and societal issues . Innovation Access to research infrastructure. As the consortium of every Synchrotron radiation and Free-Electron Laser facility in Europe, we aim at contributing to shaping the As of 2013, the EPN Science Campus will also host the French Institut de Biologie Structurale (IBS), in addition to . Research funding, partners, results and EU action to promote innovation . - require a European discussion of these issues to retain the high standards attained so far. Looking for abbreviations of ERI? The survey instrument is a questionnaire that measures the attitudes, behaviours and living conditions of the European population, using over a hundred . The objective of the RISCAPE is to provide systematic, focused, high quality, comprehensive, consistent and peer-reviewed international landscape analysis report on the position and complementarities of the major European research infrastructures in the international research infrastructure landscape. Research Infrastructures in the Environmental research are crucial pillars for . International knowledge transfer and. that currently provide digital services to the European research community. Now in its 6th edition, the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) Roadmap for 2021 includes 41 European Research Infrastructures which have already been implemented (Landmarks), and 22 RI Projects that are in their preparatory phase. Making New Treatments Possible. One of the focuses of the Czech presidency of the Council of the European Union in the field of research is the role of research infrastructures, including their potential to improve the preparedness and resilience of European society to socio-economic and health crises. Strategy on research and innovation. for education or public services and they may be single-sited, distributed, or virtual. While most are in France or elsewhere in Europe, others are located on the American continent, in Africa, and as far away as Antarctica. Integration of key research infrastructures in Europe to monitor, assess and prevent earthquake hazards NERA will have a profound long-term effect on the infrastructure panorama in Europe, bringing together the main classes of infrastructures covering different aspects of earthquake monitoring and hazard and risk assessment under a single . European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) In the legal environment, the increased emphasis placed on European research infrastructures led in 2009 to the creation of an entirely specific EU legal framework defining the principles of management and funding of such research infrastructures. They give us tools to understand better our universe, our planet and ourselves as humans. for education or public services and they may be single-sited, distributed, or virtual. This report by an independent group of experts carries out a thorough assessment of EU support to the preparatory phase of pan-European research infrastructures, looking at the evolution of. ECRIN is a public, non-profit organisation that links scientific partners and networks across Europe. ESFRI's mission is to develop the scientific integration of Europe, to strengthen its international outreach, and to provide Europe with the most up-to-date Research Infrastructures, responding to the rapidly evolving Science frontiers, also advancing the knowledge-based technologies and their extended use. Making science happen To put science at the heart of societal and economic development, we need to devise strategies to push the limits of science in order to promote innovation, tackle societal challenges and deliver big results. EMBRC is a distributed 'research infrastructure' or RI. Europe needs an effective and integrated landscape of RIs and TIs that helps covering the continuum of needs from fundamental knowledge creation to technology deployment. The European Plate Observing System (EPOS) is the integrated solid Earth Sciences research infrastructure approved by the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) and included in the ESFRI Roadmap in December 2008. The GSO is the international cooperation forum on GRIs. Energy ; Health and Food ; Environment ; Social and Cultural Innovation Meetings are held every 6 to 8 months with the hosting country taking up the chairmanship of the group until the following event. In turn, this will foster the development of emerging technologies and groundbreaking research. Research infrastructure (in the Horizon Europe definition, for purposes of grants) can include: Any other research and innovation infrastructure of a unique nature which is open to external users. It supports digital research as well as the teaching of digital research methods. It has participated in major networks and in . They include major scientific equipment or sets of instruments It coordinates, integrates and sustains bioinformatics resources across its member states and enables users in academia and industry to access services that are vital for their research. We provide sponsors and investigators with advice, management services and tools to overcome hurdles to multinational trials and enhance collaboration. Hydrogen Europe Research (former N.ERGHY) represents the European scientific community involved in the development of a new, industrial ecosystem based on hydrogen and committed to moving towards a circular, carbon-neutral economy. Over the last few years, the Centre has become a leading actor in the field of marine and research in the Mediterranean. The European research and innovation infrastructure ecosystem is diverse in scale and scope, comprising numerous facilities and stakeholders operating at the leading edge of scientific discoveries. European Partnerships in Horizon Europe . The ESS-ERIC survey is one of the best social science research infrastructures at the European scale. ( Details about the service here ). EPOS is a long-term integration plan of national existing RIs. Owing to the diversity of research fields and collaborations, the research infrastructures in which the CNRS is involved are spread across the globe. Laserlab-Europe, the Integrated Initiative of European Laser Research Infrastructures, understands itself as the central place in Europe where new developments in laser research take place in a flexible and co-ordinated fashion beyond the potential of a national scale. Research infrastructures are essential for top-level academic and industrial research activities. The European Plate Observing System . Global challenges and complex science cases need Global Research Infrastructures (GRIs). EU-AMRI, the European Alliance of Medical Research Infrastructures, is the collaboration between the European research infrastructures BBMRI-ERIC, EATRIS-ERIC, and ECRIN-ERIC. Many of Continue reading . European research infrastructures. LEAPS invited to a Zoom webinar on 28 October 2020, 10-12 CET "European Research Infrastructures: Engines for Science and Innovation" hosted by MEP and vice-chair of the ITRE Committee at the European Parliament, Lina Glvez. For instance the famous CERN Center for elementary particle physics obtained the Nobel Price. As part of Horizon Europe, the European Commission funds world-class research infrastructures in order to build an integrated European landscape. are offered by biomedical research infrastructures, including information on access mode, costs and contacts. Currently there are 24 ERICs established. The main strategic priority of HCMR is to play a decisive role in the future integrated research issues in the Mediterranean Sea and beyond. 29 European countries as members and observers. With the goal of elevating science across the globe, European research infrastructures include members and partners from other countries and regions and span over different research fields, including Biological and Medical Sciences, Material Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities, Environmental Sciences, Energy and Astronomy. Small- and medium-sized research infrastructures are overlooked Medium-sized research infrastructures (RI) prove to be pillars of European Research. With a single entry . Moreover it provides hands-on support to local or regional stakeholder communities. The European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) is a legal instrument that has been set up in order to facilitate the establishment and the operation of large European research infrastructures among several Member States and associated countries. Taking Europe to the forefront of Science Technology Innovation Science ESFRI supports a coherent and strategy-led approach to policy-making on research infrastructures in Europe, and facilitates multilateral initiatives leading to the better use and development of research infrastructures, at EU and international level. It is European Research Infrastructures. TERRINet is the European Robotics Research Infrastructure able to offer the top quality infrastructures, excellent research services and training to: school students, undergraduate, graduate, PhD, Master Industrial researchers and Academics including postdoctoral, Entrepreneurs Micro and . European RIs are too big to be funded by just one university. Time has shown that building federated computing capacities across the European Union positively impacts the availability of quality com- puting services and implie. Research Infrastructures (RIs), including the European Open Science Cloud, and Technology Infrastructures (TIs)1 are crucial enablers of research and innovation. Engage in the European Research Infrastructures System, the booking gate for research infrastructures, research & technological services. The European Commission manages the GSO's executive secretariat. Through the development of heritage archives into research infrastructures and by connecting the knowledge of heritage archives and making that knowledge relevant for research, EHRI . Mandate of EUROHORCs to theGerman Research Foundation. Background. Support for policy making . Select country: All countries Romania Slovenia Montenegro Republic of Moldova 2.157 Infrastructures with 9.562 Research Services 569 Technological Services 29.773 Equipment Registry of Infrastructures ERI - European Research Infrastructures. Brussels, 30 June, 2021: EBRAINS, the digital pan-European research infrastructure developed by the EU-funded Flagship Human Brain Project, announces that it has been included in the 2021 Roadmap of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) [ESFRI press release]. The European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) is a legal framework run by the European Commission, establishing the operation of research infrastructures that are within the interest of all European countries and Member States. The European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) is a specific legal form that facilitates the establishment and operation of Research Infrastructures with European interest. In particular, the European Spallation Source, a facility for neutron scattering in Sweden, was first proposed in 1990 . Ad hoc Working Groups. Calls in the Research Infrastructure Work Programme are under the following thematic areas, or Destinations: INFRADEV: Developing, consolidating, and . Today, the European biotechnology community can utilise a large variety of Research Infrastructures and Research Services, spanning the whole breadth of the biotechnology sector and beyond. Recent developments - for instance in the area of data handling and standardisa- tion, creation of core facilities, etc. The term 'Research Infrastructures' refers to facilities, resources and related services used by the scientific community to conduct top-level research in their respective fields, ranging from social sciences to astronomy, genomics to environmental sciences. Research Infrastructures Home European Research Infrastructures Following the concept of the European Commission, Research Infrastructures (RIs) can be defined as facilities that provide resources and services for research communities to conduct research and foster innovation. Research Infrastructures, including e-infrastructures, are at the core of the knowledge triangle of research, education and innovation and therefore play a vital role in the advancement of knowledge and technology and their exploitation. The ERIC allows the establishment and operation of new or existing Research Infrastructures on a non-economic basis A. With the goal of elevating science across the globe, European research infrastructures include members and partners from other countries and regions and span over different research fields, including Biological and Medical Sciences, Material Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities, Environmental Sciences, Energy and Astronomy. 1.1 User Manual- Introduction to the Module 1 Topic 1.1.1 Learning Objectives 1.2 Structure of the Course 9 Topics 1.2.1 What modules are available and what do they cover? In Europe, one such strategy is the development of research infrastructures (RIs) - organizations that enable the research community to use specific facilities, resources and services, thus fostering collaboration between scientists from different countries, economic sectors, research fields, and institutions. ELIXIR unites Europe's leading life science organisations in managing and safeguarding the increasing volume of data being generated by publicly funded research. Facilitating European Clinical Research. It provides data sources for research on the social-climate dynamics in a changing Europe. Over 700 research institutions and university hospitals . They can be used beyond research e.g. ERINHA, the European Research Infrastructure on Highly Pathogenic Agents, offers access to high containment facilities (BSL3 & BSL4) for in vitro and in-vivo pre-clinical research on SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19. The European Commission makes 162 million available to strengthen research infrastructures in Europe The funds will be allocated to research projects following the closing of three Horizon Europe calls on the 20th of April. The "European Research Infrastructures for a smarter future" Conference will be held on May 15th 2020, and will be fully digital. With the goal of elevating science across the globe, European research infrastructures include members and partners from other countries and regions and span over different research fields, including Biological and Medical Sciences, Material Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities, Environmental Sciences, Energy and Astronomy. The European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC-ERIC) is a European RI for marine biological resources and biodiversity, and an example of an OS RI. We bring together all the main players from the biobanking field - researchers, biobankers, industry, and patients - to boost biomedical research. European Research Infrastructures are facilities that provide resources and services for research communities to conduct research and foster innovation.

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